Name: John Souter Greeting: My second CD arrived today and it's fantastic. Can't wait for Vocally 3?
27 July 2008 - 14:49 -
Name: J. Greeting: Dear Visa Röster people,
My cds arrived today and sound great! The note that came with it gave it a nice extra touch too :-)
One word of advice though:
When I took out the cds one of the cases had some big scratches, the other case was totally shattered on one corner.
Fortunately, the cds were still fine.
Next time the cds may not stay in one piece, so I would advice better packaging for a next shipment :-)
24 July 2008 - 20:53 -
Name: Hendrik Greeting: Hi Pex! Just wanted to inform you, that the CDs arrived yesterday. And guess, what music I heard all the day when I was working? I really enjoy the music. Thanks for the fast delivery (and the personal signature ). Best Regards, Hendrik
PS: I also like your C69 Remix. Made me smile. 12 May 2008 - 15:37 -
Name: ralph-g Greeting: Hello :-) Thanks for the albums, they are great :-) You are a cool guy :-) . I sending to you mr Pex Tufvesson Best regards and for the band.
P.S. Will You have any concerts in Poland ?? Cheers :-) 12 May 2008 - 15:36 -
Name: Mika Greeting: Hello from Finland.
I like your music a lot and have both CDs. I was going to ask if its ok use your music at homemade video, but then noticed that ever copy cd is ok. But here is the video and keep up making great music 12 May 2008 - 15:28 -
Name: Philippe, Belgium Greeting: Woohooo! \o/
Both CDs are already here, safe and sound!! And great they sound too! I'm really really happy with my purchase. You are a very talented group of people!
Many thanks and keep up the great work ! 04 April 2008 - 13:47 -
Name: Peter Greeting: Hi!
Thanks for the CD`s, of course I like them In my opinion these are the greatest "remixes", and i was listening to them for a long time now (i`ve downloaded the CD`s about half year ago). And because i like them very very much i bought them. I hope you`ll make some more! Thanks again. 04 April 2008 - 13:45 -
Name: Patrick Greeting: Pex, Hanna, Elsa, Johannes, Sofia and Karin
last week I received the Visa Röster CD's I had ordered and, even though I'm 32 years old, it felt like being 8 years old again and opening birthday presents :-) It probably sounds idiotic, but also finding a personal note from Pex added even more to the fun (*YaY!* I've got a post-it from Mahoney!! Couldn't have imagined that 10+ years ago while toying around with NoiseTracker2!).
Being a geek, obviously I was familiar with your music, but buying it from you all just had to be done to show my support.
I love both CD's and will order the other 2 as well soon. I am simply amazed that the four of you take the time to study and perform these silly old songs (it can't be easy!) and most likely enjoy doing it. For me, it is a great way to listen to the songs I loved as a kid as an adult. If I get the opportunity to see and hear you all perform live, I'll make sure to do it (and drag my girlfriend with me. Even this non-geek is really enjoying the music!)
Visa Röster, thanks for taking the time and effort to do what you do and I hope you continue to have fun singing with one another.
Warm regards 04 April 2008 - 13:44 -
Name: Stephan Greeting: thanks a lot for the notification and again for your great music contribution with Visa Röster! I had those CDs already, but my ex-girlfriend took them with her... ;-) Send greetings to all the others from Visa Röster and keep up the nice work!
Best regards 04 April 2008 - 13:39 -
Name: Attila Greeting: got them in the mail yesterday, thank you.
I happen to work with a Swedish girl so I asked her if she knows Visa Roster - well, now she does :-)
Keep up the good work! 04 April 2008 - 13:38 -
Name: Dick, Belgium Greeting: This music brings back some memories!
The many hours that i have spended with the original music that is so nicely remixed!
09 March 2008 - 11:09 -
Name: an anonymous bootlegger Greeting: Just ordered your ***Commodore 64 Vocally***. The snippets I was able to listen to foreshadow an awesome record. I'll spread the word. 03 December 2007 - 02:12 -
Name: Leszek Greeting: Thank you ever so much!
I love your music, it is a great inspiration and comfort. 25 October 2007 - 19:23 -
Name: Gunnar, Germany Greeting: Hi Pex and the rest of Visa Röster!
I enjoyed hearing your CD, although I'm a ATARI-Man ;-)
Hey, but some of your songs are also Atari-songs and M.U.L.E. was originally programmed for Atari...
Keep on good work, retro gamer will like it!
Greetings 06 August 2007 - 14:00 -
Name: Jussi, Finland Greeting: Thanks, Pex & group! The CDs arrived today and they rock! If you decide to come nearby for a gig, you can count me in 05 August 2007 - 09:55 -
Name: Jeff, U.S. Greeting: Hey guys,
I received ***Commodore 64 Vocally*** today. I am currently listening to it. It's great! I have never done international shipping or mailing so I guessing I will receive the others CD's within the next days or so.
I was excited to see that you personally autographed the CD I received, thanks for taking the time to add the extra touch.... That was really awesome!
Great acapella work (voice mastery).
Thanks again 05 August 2007 - 09:52 -
Name: Michael H, Germany Greeting: Thank you very much for the two CDs. Keep up the beautiful music.
Greetings 05 August 2007 - 09:49 -
Name: PiNa Greeting: Human Race (Subtune 4) was my most favourite demo tune on a Music Assembler disk back in 90's. Your conversion made my day, refreshed almost all of my forgotten memories. THANK YOU! 19 July 2007 - 20:05 -
Name: Paxmax Greeting: I... I... I'm practically speechless, I much rather prefer to listen to you guys'n'girls.
Well, I currently have Vocally CD, and I'm waiting for Vocally too CD to arrive. Human race sends so many pleasant chills down my spine, I get all misty-eyed just thinking of it.
You all take C64 music (and me with it) to the next level. Thank you! You give me bliss, pity I have to return to "life" when the song is over... 20 May 2007 - 23:12 -
Name: Nicholas, Austin, Texas USA Greeting: Hello,
I just wanted to send you a note to say how much I enjoy your music. I bought a copy of ***Commodore 64*** Vocally, and I listen to it every day at work. Thanks for sharing your talent with us
Sincerely, Nicholas 30 April 2007 - 10:10 -
Name: Greeting: Great music,finaly music for my ears.And i have over 300 gb various music.When you will make songs?I would like to hear robocop version of you Greeting from Croatia. 07 March 2007 - 01:06 -
Name: TSt., Croatia Greeting: I've just heard your acapella version of Hubbard's Human race - and I must say I instantly fell in LOVE with your masterpiece. Also have this big urge to sample those vocals and do a trance version of it. Is it possible to use vocals from your track? I would do it just for fun, no profit involved and you would be credited for your work, of coz, (if I ever decide to share it with the rest of the (C=64) world).
Great work, once again, and greetings from Croatia. 20 February 2007 - 09:11 -
Name: rnuls, France Greeting: Tank you man for your fabulous work on human race, really excellent !!! 20 February 2007 - 09:09 -
Name: Shahzaib Greeting: 04 February 2007 - 17:06 -
Name: Jonas, DK Greeting: Super god cd!
Mange danske hilsener Jonas Roholt 31 January 2007 - 11:35 -
Name: Robert, Netherlands Greeting: Hi Visa Röster,
The CDs arrived in perfect condition. I really love the a-cappella versions for the old C64 hits. So different but so nice. If there is going to be a third C64 CD from you, I would certainly buy it.
Many thanks and regards 31 January 2007 - 11:31 -
Name: Paul, UK Greeting: Hi there.
My names Paul and I live in the UK. Just seen the "Back in Time" DVD with your renditions of the classic Game tunes and thought it was fantastic!!!! Hanna is absolutely gorgeous by the way. LOL. Anyway. Think im now gonna buy the C64 CD.
Lotsa love and admiration PaulXX 31 January 2007 - 11:30 -
Name: Régis, France Greeting: Just to let you know that I've well received the CD today. (yes I like it )
Also special thanks to Hanna Kappelin (insert e-Kiss here ) and slay radio. Without them I would have never known Visa Röster ! 31 January 2007 - 11:22 -
Name: A.M.Robinson Greeting: Many thanks for this - it arrived this morning, and I am *very* impressed It's the first CD I've bought in *ages* where I've loved pretty much every track - even if I don't understand a word of what's being sung!
Expect an order for the C64 CDs in the near future!
All the best 31 January 2007 - 11:20 -
Name: Mike Peter Reed Greeting: Great stuff!! Recommended for days when Teddybears don't cut it ;-) 21 January 2007 - 22:29 -
Name: Thurstan, England Greeting: I picked up Vocally Too and was very impressed! Beautiful voices and superb arrangements. Come to the UK more !! 20 November 2006 - 21:28 -
Name: Rene, Germany Greeting: My CD (Ready, vocally too) also arrived today and I just can't tell how awesome this music is. It's very hard to find anything compareable to these beautifull voices and sounds. Thanks for making this CD. I can't wait to buy the next CD.. Tack so mycket för det trevlig cd (Hope this is correct. Just started learning swedish) 19 October 2006 - 20:18 -
Name: Robert, Germany Greeting: the CD arrived today and well I put it directly into the cd-player. Great music - thank you very much and many greetings from germany 19 October 2006 - 13:38 -
Name: Pascal Greeting: bonsoir Pex and the entire team!
I actually stopped counting how many times I listened to your CDs so far..
Hanna sings Thrust with all her might, and has a warm, soft, vibrating voice. Her boyfriend is the luckiest in the world
I used to study music when I was young (I learnt a bit of cello and piano, and loved singing in groups) and have very good memories of that time. when several people sang together during solfa training lessons, I remember how tough it was for us at times to sing together at the same peace.
your performance is truly awesome... and so special.
whenever I listen to your CDs again, I wish I could do more to support you. but I don't know where to start from..
would some nice french drink help? is there a shipment address I could ship it to? I hope you'll like it, may it give you more ideas for a 3rd CD to come...
take care, and please sing again for many years to come. / Pascal 17 October 2006 - 23:52
Name: Kim, dk Greeting: just thougth i'd say you guys ROCK.. i hope you come to denmark in the future (espcially northern jylland) best wishes
17 October 2006 - 23:45
Name: Jerker Greeting: Köpte skivan Commodore 64 Vocally av er. Upplevde den som både rolig och talangfull. Fortsätt det bra arbetet! Om datornörden i mig får göra en förfrågan så vore en Nintendo-skiva jätteroligt.
Tack återigen! 17 October 2006 - 15:23
Name: Press Play On Tape Greeting: I would have bought a CD, if it wasn't for PayPal 06 October 2006 - 00:34
Name: TRiAD Greeting: Fantastiskt! Helt enkelt fantastiskt! 05 October 2006 - 23:08 -
Name: madzanta Greeting: Att våldta klassiker på detta vis. Skäms! 05 October 2006 - 18:25 -
Name: Damien, UK Greeting: The CDs arrived over the weekend and I'm enjoying them immensely now. Thanks for making my monday morning that bit better. Hope you do some more; you're really very talented. 03 October 2006 - 18:24
Name: rudenstam Greeting: har precis kommit hem från lund... helskön konsert! 23 September 2006 - 21:30 -
Name: Remi Greeting: I love you Visa!!!!!! You're like honey to my soul... I've got your CD album named: realy, it's magic - oh - no. Formula 1, Bomb Jack, Fairlight (alllllllllll) there all the superboooooooooooooo!!! My wife got your commando hall of fame as cell phone ringtone! Good Luck, best wishes & greets 4 all from Poland! 21 September 2006 - 10:38 -
Name: Rafael/Booma Greeting: I got my Ready Vocally too cd a few days ago and after some rounds i'm ready to say something
I like the cd but there are also some weak songs,weak is maybe the worng word but i dont really like Caverns of Khafka (Live) (sounds like folk music )and Mule ( sounds like an voice warm up with really wired sound samples).
But there are many awesome songs and the first sond Delta ist really great and one of the best on this cd.
Formula 1 Simulator ... "brrrrrrrrr" at the beginning sounds really strage at the first time but its still a really funny and great song.
Roland's Rat Race one of my favorite songs.Damn i really like karins voice and the part at 1'10 is really awesome.
Bomb Jack and Fairlight are both great songs and fairlight is also the last vocally only song.
Thrust,Thanatos and Song 4 are the first songs with really nice background instrumentals but Thrust is impressive with an unbelievable Piano background and Hannas (i think it is Hanna if not than sorry) wonderful voice its one of the beste songs so far
Wizball ist greate and funny song i like all the la laa la laa and the guitar part
Commando... damn the song starts really unexpected with interesting intro synths but its really great i like it.The most awesome part is the middle part with vocally only.Its the beste Commando remix i've ever heard.
calm ... i dont know much about this kind of music but i would say its funk or soul it sounds really cool and the synths are great.
Last Ninja 3 ... damn O_O again a masterpiece at the beginning i thought it has a real lyric but in not sure sounds like an korean pop song and the lead voice is really really great i thing its the only song without hanna ( am i right? ) ^^.The main voice sound really different than hannas but maybe its because whole song is so unique and different.The "tike ting tong"(especially karins i wish i would know who is singing the other tike ting tong part because is also really great ) part and the whistling sounds impressive this is one of my favorite Last ninja 3 remixes. really great work
Rambo puh its different than the 2 songs before.Its the longest song with a smooth synth and again a great hanna (i m sure its hanna but if not pls dont kill me its not a masterpiece but its still one of the beste rambo remixes around.
Zoids is a great ending and again a soft song with a great hanna and lovley synth,sounds abit like Jean Michel Jarre i like it
ok lets get back to song 16 international karate (live) puh at the one side its impressive karins voice at 02:15 is so cute ... BUT pex ... your waily ding ding dong part is so strange its funny at the one side but at the other its killing the soft atmosphere of the song.I dont know maybe it sounds better in the studio but i would like to cut it out ^^ ok just a bad joke.
Ok back to topic Ready Vocally too ist a masterpiec impressive work and all voices do their job well.the synth later are all really great and mixed well with the voices.
If you dont have this CD already GO AND BUY IT NOW
p.s I really hope Visa Röster will go on and do more cds. You are all great 16 September 2006 - 03:22 -
Name: Truls, Norge Greeting: Jeg mottok cd-ene i går. Dette var bra musikk! Planlegger dere flere cd'er?
/ 'En fan av 64-remix'er og nå Visa Røster' 29 August 2006 - 16:28
Name: Mats Greeting: I'm coming to see your concert in Lund on the 23rd of September, since all of your CDs are soooo great! 21 August 2006 - 14:33 -
Name: Thomas L, Germany Greeting: Hi Pex, hi everyone else at Visa Röster, the CDs arrived on Wednesday. Thank you for the fast shipment.
I like them allready now ... :-)
Best regards 27 June 2006 - 20:53 -
Name: Tony - Fluke Greeting: Hejsan alla! Hoppas allt är bra med er och att ni njuter av sommaren! Men hur ser det ut med spelningar inom den närmarste tiden. Kram på er alla! 16 June 2006 - 13:35 -
Name: Carsten, Denmark Greeting: Greetings from Denmark! I am simply melting overhere, way too hot weather in Denmark. So I thought, I need something cool to listen to. As you might recall I have written you all before regarding my opinion about your vocals. I am "in love" - I get "goose pimples" on my skin when I hear the female vocals, and yes guys - you do a HECK of a job too! But hey, I am a guy, okay? Keep up the good work, I have heard many of the tunes on SlayRadio now and since I've just sponsered them with a little fee, I thought the time had come for your CD's too! Btw. Hanna, your voice on the SlayRadio spots... *I'm melting* ;-) LOL! "Let's have some more Commodore... sixty four..." LOL!!!
I want to support you into making more CDs! I might place a link or some comments on them, on my own webpage. Best regards, Carsten
07 June 2006 - 13:12 -
Name: Lisa Frangeur Greeting: Ville mest säga HEJ till Karin och Hanna. Trillade in på sidan av en slump och hittade massor av fin musik. Imponerande. Och snygga är ni också! Köper gärna alla era skivor om det innebär att jag får äran att träffa er igen live. Det var längesen. En hög med kramar. 03 June 2006 - 19:25 -
Name: Jussi, Finland Greeting: The CD's arrived, and I'm loving the music! Thanks!
08 May 2006 - 21:28 -
Name: Ross, UK Greeting: Dear All, greetings from the uk,rural devon in fact. just wanted to wish you all a very happy easter,also to say a HUGE thank you for the STUNNINg work you do..... Basically?chris abbot is a dear friend of mine,was there at his very 1st B.I.T live event,helped him with publicity etc,cut to today,saw you performong via chris`s dvd,was just soo blown away,went out and ordered the 1st CD,needless to say,it`s taken up permanent residance in my stero! what more can i say?just when i thought i`d heard the end all of everything C64 remix wise,along come you guys...woah! KUDOS to you! Hope to see you in the Uk,soon. 30 April 2006 - 18:01 -
Name: Guido, Germany Greeting: After listening to the two C64 Visa Röster CDs for quite some weeks now i thought it would be about time to send you guys and gals some kind words of appreciation.
Being a C64 remix fan from the very first "Back in Time" days i grew a bit tired from the recent rush of releases, both "commercially" (if you can call'em that) and the free RKO releases, but your two CDs literally reignited my love for C64 reworkings. Thats due to the enormous amount of vocal talent you 6 wonderful people have and your fine ear for creative arrangements, immaculate production value and great use of the finest guest musicians on the C64 remix scene. It's really hard not to fall in love for the voices of Hanna and Karin especially. Hanna on the live version of International Karate really make the hair on my neck stand up evry time i listen to it.
I must add that i found the second CD far superior to the first one when it comes to variety both in quantity and quality and the fact that you covered more "popular" tunes really made it more enjoyable for me. The only minor complaint i have is that i feel the live versions on the second CD should have been placed right at the end of the CD (like the Spy vs Spy version on the first one) to get a more consistent listening experience, but that is just some highly subjective nitpicking i guess. Anyway, thanks to all of you for the wonderful experience and i *really* hope you make a trilogy out of it (should read: Please, please, please do a third CD) 30 April 2006 - 17:24 -
Name: John, UK Greeting: And the CDs are in fact fantastic Many thanks! 30 April 2006 - 17:17 -
Name: Matthew Greeting: I was recently introduced to your works through a friend, and I must say I am enormously impressed! A singer myself, I enjoy truly good vocalizing when I hear it, and as a Commodore buff of old, I often found myself booting up some of the games, not because I wanted to play them, but I just felt like kicking back to the music. Your recreation of the music through your arrangements, as well as the quality of your singing, is absolutely spectacular!
My best to you, and I wish you well. Keep up the wonderful music!
30 April 2006 - 17:16 -
Name: Dagger of North Star Greeting: Fan att man missade er i DK. När kommer ni till närheten av malmö tro? Jag vill höra er LIVE! Rob Hubbard är GUD! (jag känner Mahoney, från när jag var med i North Star) Ni är mycket, mycket bra. 16 April 2006 - 02:27 -
Name: Yasuo, Germany Greeting: got the CD's last Friday. Hurray! The tunes are great! I like them very, very much. My favorite ones are Humanrace and Thrust.
Wish I could sing as good as you. I'm singing too in a little choir here in Saarbrücken Germany. Gametunes would be surely funny to sing, but unfortunately I can't convince my collegues to try. Perhaps it's the difference in age I'm more than 10 years older than the others and witnessed the golden age of homecomputers When I was younger I owned one of the first Commodore64 too. Your singing recalls the good ol' time of computing...
I hope to hear more from you in the future. Keep up the beautyful singing. 31 March 2006 - 11:17 -
Name: Matthias Greeting: CD 4 Just arrived today and it is a fantastic CD! I enjoyed it really much and i'm curiouse to hear the other ones (even if i don't understand any word :-) ).
Are there maybe some translations from your Song Texts available?
Please send greetings to the other Members from Visa Röster from me. And go ahead with that great kind of a cappella Music!
Best whishes from Switzerland 20 March 2006 - 14:45 -
Name: David Baker Greeting: Hi Visa Röster,
I've just had a first play through of your CDs (arrived in the post this morning) - great work, I'm now a fan. Any chance of putting the lyrics up on your website for the Vokalmusik på svenska CD? I can probably get them for the traditional songs, but not for you original compositions.
I (of course) was introduced to Visa Röster through C64 remixes, but I must say, I really do like your non-scene stuff.
Warm regards and best wishes 20 March 2006 - 14:45 -
Name: Henrik Greeting: Lysande skiva ni skapat!! Alla tracksen är riktigt bra!!
Med Vänliga Hälsningar Henrik.
Keep up the Great Work!! 20 March 2006 - 14:43 -
Name: Åsmund, Norway Greeting: Hei Pex, og dere andre i Visa Röster
Jeg har nå lyttet igjennom cd'en jeg mottok i posten og den har blitt spilt konstant på jobben de to siste dagene.
Dere har etter min mening klart å tolke C64 låtene på en særdeles mesterlig måte, og jeg finner ikke ord for hvor bra jeg syntes denne cd'en er.
Jeg ser frem til å høre på flere utgivelser fra Dere, og kommer til å bestille de andre utgivelsene deres om kort tid. 06 March 2006 - 20:12 -
Name: Peter, Denmark Greeting: I recieved the CD yesterday, and I must admit, that I am far beyond my expectations about it. It is really professional work from you guys. I am "sorry" to say this, but it is even better than the first one.
Keep up the god work. I can't wait for the 3rd CD :-)
Have a nice weekend ! 24 February 2006 - 12:53 -
Name: Bobjörk Greeting:
Skivan kom för några dagar sen och nu har jag lyssnat på den. Gillar vad jag hör! Mycket bra att lyssna på i t.ex bilen. 12 February 2006 - 19:00 -
Name: Paul Greeting: ... the CD arrived already some 10 days or so ago. But I didn't have a chance to listen to it up to know. But I did so now and I must say, I'm impressed! Visa Röster improves CD by CD. :-)
So, thanks very much for this one piece of gem and I hope it'll surely be not the last. Keep up the great work! 11 February 2006 - 18:24 -
Name: Hans Greeting: I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the great Cd´s. The tracks are well done and I can not decide which one is my favourite.
Even though I never liked a cappella music very much I have to say this stuff is really addictive.
I hope to hear from you if you will ever do any concert or kind of in or near Germany.
Greetings from Hamburg 11 February 2006 - 18:23 -
Name: Falk Joensson Greeting: Hi Visa Röster!
I am listening to your great music over and over again. I got all three CDs and like them very much. Personally, my favorite is the "Vokalmusik pa Svenska". When I first listened to it I almost had tears in my eyes, because this awesome mix of beautiful songs, beautiful voices and a beautiful language moves me deeply.
Very best greetz to all of you! FJ 23 January 2006 - 10:53 -
Name: Johnny Greeting: Hej "Pex" och er andra i Visa Röster!
Jag vill bara meddela att mina skivor har anlänt och att postgången har fungerat väl. Jag hann lyssna igenom den första skivan (*** Commodore 64 *** Vocally) på väg till jobbet och kan än så länge bara säga gott om era arrangemang! Det är så att man får sig en tår i ögat av ren nostalgi...
Många hälsningar, Johnny 18 December 2005 - 22:56 -
Name: Paali, France Greeting: I've just received both CDs yesterday and I really like them, you all have great voices and done a good job. Now I've got one more thing to do before the armageddon: 'see you performing live'. It's such a relief to listen to your music because it's good to see that there are still people doing something different from mainstream music. You've got one more fan who hopes that you'll get the success you deserve .
ps: where can I find more informations about your future concerts ? 12 December 2005 - 10:43
Name: Pepak Greeting: I just wanted to congratulate on the beautiful work you did with Vocally Too. I found the original Vocally an interesting concept, despite the fact that I usually strongly dislike vocal music, but the choice of tracks left me somewhat cold. Vocally Too, on the other hand, is awesome all around - beautiful performances and great selection of tracks (I love Fairlight and M.U.L.E.!). It's too early to tell, but I think I have a serious contender for my "best C64 music CD" award (along with Back in Time 1 and Remix 64 v2). I am looking forward to new CDs (don't hesitate to e-mail me when they come out, I wouldn't want to miss it!). Thanks! 08 December 2005 - 06:31
Name: Toni, Finland Greeting: Got the CD's today. Just wanted to say thanks, and to emphasize the fact that this stuff is absolutely stunning!
Keep going! 08 December 2005 - 06:13
Name: Steve Greeting: The CD arrived yesterday; it's great, and Formula One Simulator is fantastic!
Keep up the good work, and thanks again! 07 December 2005 - 21:52
Name: Paolo Greeting: I just wanted to say thanks, i got both "vocally" cds, and they are simply great, received them very quick too keep up the good job, hope to hear more "vocally" stuff soon! 07 December 2005 - 21:42
Name: Ste, Austria Greeting: It'*s excellent!!! I am enjoying it! Thanks 07 December 2005 - 21:37
Name: Massimiliano, Italy Greeting: I enjoyed a lot 'Thrust', 'Comic Bakery' and 'Armageddon Man' songs, listened at site - I visit that site daily I didn't know about your ensemble till yesterday, I saw your website and then I ordered your CDs.
I was curious expecially about who are behind the 'female voices': you are not only very talented but also quite pretty (I like Elsa mostly ) I live in Rome,I hope you'll visit it one day, for a concert or just as tourists. I wish for you the success you deserve. 07 December 2005 - 21:35
Name: daMax, Stuttgart Greeting: The CD arrived fast as lightning and struck likewise ! All songs are (again) of an outstanding quality. Just the right thing to cheer you up on a cold miserable winter morning at the office
If you ever plan to come on a European tour, don't forget Stuttgart, Germany.
Thank you very much for the nice music and keep up the brilliant work. 07 December 2005 - 11:30 -
Name: Leif, Uppsala Greeting: Thank you for the music. Now I have something to dream away with when I'm driving to work.
The production is spotless and the remakes have been taken to another level. I hope you guys get some kind of breaktrough soon, cause you are most certainly worth it!
Have a nice Christmas! 06 December 2005 - 21:29 -
Name: Erik, Karlskrona Greeting: I promised a review after I received your latest album, and here it is:
You're really getting the stuff together!! This album is twise as good as your previous one, and the old one was great already when that came. The quality is now running straight through, without the smaller ups and downs of the previous album.
I had NO IDEA that 64 music could sound this good . After years and years of techno remixes this really light a new spark into the scene.....
And I'm specially grateful that you have given my favourite tune ever, Thrust, new clothing that really soothen my soul.
I must also comment on the Formula one simulator: Great work with the sound effects, that V12 really sounds great in stereo. You can almost hear the doppler effect of the gal who is passing through the studio. Just make sure not to borrow your car to her, the way she handles the gearbox sounds a bit dangerous
I've got a new addiction: Visa Röster.
25 November 2005 - 23:39 -
Name: Mikael, Falkenberg Greeting: Ah, det händer ju grejjer på er sida och en ny cd med 64:a-musik, inte illa! Pex: Fint frimärke 23 November 2005 - 11:13 -
Name: R. Hardy Greeting: Howdy,
I have recieved the CD. Thank you for your prompt shipping.
Congrats should go out to all of you and your hard work. It's not often that I will sit down and acually ENJOY listening to a CD. It's enjoyable to listen to music that hasn't been digitally altered and was obviously put together by a group of dedicated people that really enjoy singing and what they do.
Keep it up! In a world where Corporate greed rules and talent is few and far between(For example, most of the current bands that have to "re-mix" older artist's songs because they can't come up with a song themselves), it's good to know that TRUE art is not lost. And that is due to talented artists such as yourselves. Thank you again for the music! 09 November 2005 - 09:39 -
Name: jadeLoTuZ Greeting: Jag fick skivorna jag bestälde idag. Posten hade iofs misshandlat fodralet på ena skivan lite, men det var OK skivan å innehållet var ok! Å när jag väl satte skivan i spelaren så glömde jag totalt bort posten ... å det mesta andra oxå. Helt fenomenalt bra. Human Race å IK är störtsköna.
När kan man köpa era nya alster?
PS: har ni någonsin funderat på att göra nån remix av amiga/Atari spelet "Flashback" ? bara undrar! 08 November 2005 - 20:56 -
Name: Angel Greeting: Thank you guys, what I've seen and heard from you is truly amazing; keep it up... If only you would come to Spain someday to a concert
But hey, one can dream Regards from Almeria 08 November 2005 - 09:17 -
Name: Andrej Greeting: I recieved your CD today and I must say it's awesome (so much in fact, that I already ordered your new CD )
many thanks for such great music and best wishes for the future! 07 November 2005 - 20:34
Name: Rene, Germany Greeting: I just wanted to let you know that the package just arrived and I really love your music. I wish you and all members of Visa Röster all the best for your future. 26 October 2005 - 20:50
Name: Mike / UK Greeting: CD arrived safely today. Many, many thanks, it is fantastic! I wish you all the best for the future! 17 October 2005 - 10:54 -
Name: Markus Greeting: I'M LOVING IT! Great music performed by really great and outstanding artists. By the way, I think the sound-quality of the actual recording is also very nice. To make a long story short: this CD is worth every Cent and I'm looking forward to hearing more from you in the future. Please give my regards to the rest of you crew! Take care and best regards from Germany 05 October 2005 - 22:01
Name: Peter Greeting: CD arrived, full of nice music. Thanks! 26 September 2005 - 23:12
Name: Simes Greeting: Hi guys,
Received the "C64 Vocally" CD a few weeks ago - just wanted to let you know that I think it's really, really great. Wonderful. Thanks very much. 27 August 2005 - 13:51
Name: Lee Greeting: Hi,
Got the CDs in the post. They are really great! Thanks. 26 August 2005 - 22:27
Name: Edy Greeting: Just to let you know that the CD has arrived today and I've listened it the first time. Awesome!! Your crystal-clear fantastic voices bring me the old good C64 feelings as never before. 17 August 2005 - 21:13
Name: Mikael Bouillot, France Greeting: Hi, I just got the CD this morning and I'm loving it I already knew most of the tunes on it through Slay Radio, but all the ones I didn't know sound really good. 15 August 2005 - 21:21
Name: Jerry Beck, US Greeting: Hanna, Pex, Sofia, Karin, Elsa, and Johannes,
Just wanted to let you know the two CD's arrived yesterday. I've had a chance to listen to both from start to finish. Your music is breathtakingly beautiful! I hope you're planning the next project because I'm very anxious to hear more!
Thanks again and best of luck with your future endevours. 15 August 2005 - 21:15
Name: c-frog Greeting: Underbar C64-skiva. Ska lyssna på er andra skiva, Vokalmusik på Svenska. Det tog lite tid innan jag förstod att Pex är gamle gode Mahoney från demoscenen förövrigt Mvh/Daniel 15 August 2005 - 20:14 -
Name: Dan Greeting: Underbart..Jag som väte upp med IK+. Den är helt underbar. Ni ska ha mycket tack för eran C64 skiva. Nu väntar jga bara på Super Mario Bros. 12 August 2005 - 22:20 -
Name: Petri Greeting: Just wanted to say a big thank you - your CD arrived in mail today and I've been listening to it non-stop for the past hours. Truly wonderful to listen to. 07 August 2005 - 22:48
Name: Tormod Tjaberg Greeting: Got the CD today, currently listening to it, wonderful stuff I shudder to think what you could have done with the Giana Sisters by Huelsbeck
Jeg liker den Mycket 10 July 2005 - 23:25
Name: Clemens Review: Bhought the c64 cd a while ago love it ! MAKE MORE with some more known song
( green beret , commando for example ) 02 July 2005 - 20:42
Name: Fabian Review: Thanks very much, the CDs arrived yesterday! Your songs are fantastic, great voices and beautiful melodies, a pleasure to listen to! If I only understood swedish....
Greetings from Switzerland 15 June 2005 - 10:18
Name: Mattias Review: Hade jag inte varit en fattig arbetslös student hade jag köpt C64-skivan direkt. Demot på International Karate är helgrym 02 June 2005 - 01:40
Name: Karsten, Germany Review: They arrived today - and I\'m *very* pleased! I\'m a singer myself, but we\'re nowhere near your quality.
Farväl, Karsten 19 May 2005 - 07:51
Name: Spencer Review: Great stuff, I just love you all! 16 May 2005 - 21:21
Name: BPIA, Finland Review: I just play Comic bakery again and again and again... Maybe I\'m a geek,a nerd, i love the C64 stuff... but still. This version has convinced me. More C64 stuff? please? 14 May 2005 - 12:21
Name: Ashley Pomeroy Review: I\'m particularly awestruck by the version of \'Comic Bakery\', which QUITE LITERALLY floats my boat. 06 May 2005 - 22:39
Name: Danny Review: Hoppas ni får all den ära och berömmelse som ni förtjänar... Great stuff! 21 April 2005 - 12:01
Name: D-man Review: än så länge går den lilla snutten av IK pluss låten på repeat här and Im so much bloody lovin it! 21 April 2005 - 11:56
Name: Danny Review: Har inte köppt er CD än, men det lilla jag hör här (IK+, Human Race, SpyVsSpy etc) Låter ju Helt Sjukt jävla bra. Got damn vad kul! 21 April 2005 - 11:55
Name: Peter Review: De kom fram idag. Tack så mycket!
Riktigt bra är de också. 05 April 2005 - 09:25
Name: Jo, Germany Review: I fear for the CD since it has been playing on repeat since I got it a few days ago - I am so happy and impressed and... Thank you very much, Visa Röster! 03 January 2005 - 15:42
Name: Stuart, UK Review: The CDs arrived safely and in perfect condition, a couple of days ago. I have listened to them numerous times and have to say that they are two of THE most relaxing and beautiful CDs in my collection. Absolutely fantastic.
Unadulterated thanks to you and the Visa Röster group. Keep singing and keep performing... You guys ROCK (in a kind of non-rocky a capella type of way!!) 16 December 2004 - 14:18
Name: Roope, Finland Review: Just got the cd and first impression was:
Whoa! Incredible! 02 December 2004 - 11:09
Name: Thorsten, Germany Review: The CDs arrived in perfect condition just the other day... to cut a long story short - they are both GREAT!
I really like the swedish language, in my opinion there is quite a similarity to some german dialects. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to cheapen your language but the singing really reminds me of dutch and lower german sentences... 05 November 2004 - 10:23
Name: Macbeth, Canada Review: I've been listening to this CD frequently since I received it (promptly!) a couple weeks ago.
"Human Race, subtune 4 / Rob Hubbard" is definitely my favourite, every "instrument" just sounds fantastic, and it's a great tune too, of course. Most excellent 29 October 2004 - 10:44
Name: Mattias B Review: Spenderade en mycket trevlig kväll med genomlyssning av båda. Man tackar och bockar! 28 October 2004 - 09:02
Name: Cheetor, Birmingham UK Review: Just to say that I got my copy of the C64 CD yesterday and it's absolutely fantastic. ...
If you haven't got it, as long as Chris ( [link] ) has copies PLEASE go and buy one... you won't regret it!! Nice cover photo too!! 14 October 2004 - 12:54
Name: Max Review: the CDs arrived today and they're great! Of course I don't understand a single word (in fact I can't even tell the words apart), but the music is really nice. And the C64 Vocally is just the best!
Keep up the good work and think about making another SlayRadio special. That was so cool. 11 October 2004 - 10:06
Name: David Barnett, UK Review: Hi - Just received your new CD (C64 Vocally) and just wanted to let you know how good it is!! (also very fast delivery from Sweden!) A very original sound and refreshing to hear - very soothing!! If you ever find the time, please do continue with another CD - it really is appreciated by many people. 05 October 2004 - 16:34
Name: Alastair Review: Ive been listening to your cd in my car to the airport this morning, and at work all day! Its really good! ive already got my friends whom I work with hooked on the music, and he really likes it!! Such a chilled out album!! Id love to hear some of your other stuff sometime, really clever, well done, you should be very proud!! 27 September 2004 - 21:31
Name: Dan Review: Thanks for the excellent performance in London and the CD is fantastic too (currently in my car spinning around.) I was amazingly gob smacked and I really do hope to see you all perform again sometime. 19 September 2004 - 14:22
Name: Jesper Holm Olsen Review: Jeg har hørt jeres CD non-stop siden jeg kom hjem og det er rigtig fedt. Human Race har kørt på repeat flere gange 14 September 2004 - 16:42
Name: Hacky, London Review: I'm completely besotted with your music now! I'd only ever heard of you once, one track, before the bitlive-gig, and seeing you live and buying your two CDs there, was just amazing, I can't wait to see you again! 14 September 2004 - 12:19
Name: FromWithin, London Review: Quite amazing. I thank the lord that I got one of the last CDs as it was the perfect thing for a Sunday morning. Pex, you're a legend. A legend, I tell you! 14 September 2004 - 02:23
Name: Merman (Andrew Fisher) Review: The CD is superb, I've been listening to it all morning!
Tack! 13 September 2004 - 13:05
Name: Bog Review: You are indescribable, unique and beautiful. This rocks. Please. Don't let it stop now. Really. Please. 12 September 2004 - 22:12
Name: Simon Review: Thanks for a brilliant performance in london. I hope to see you again live sometime in the future. Had the CD on in the car all the way back, and it's great too.
Thanks again
12 September 2004 - 01:33
Name: Marianne, DK Review: Hej alle 6 - Fik jeres Vokalmusik pa svenska-CD af Mathias, DK.
Har nydt jeres smukke stemmer mange, mange gange siden - dejlig at kople af til. Glæder mig til jeres næste udgivelse. 31 August 2004 - 18:39
Name: Kristina Review: Världens bästa skiva, snurrar för fullt i cd-spelaren! Tänk att man är kompis med såna kändisar! 16 August 2004 - 18:59
Name: Maria Review: Hejsan Nu fick jag skivan och den är härlig.. 13 August 2004 - 19:55
Name: Amanda 7 år Review: Hej Johanes skivan var jete bra 13 August 2004 - 18:54
Name: Ola Review: Hej på er! Jag njöt hela tiden. Var tvungen att kolla om det ändå inte var The Real Group som satt i spelaren. Det var supervackert! Tack! Sen är jag lite stolt också - jag råkar vara släkt med basen i rakt uppåtstigande led. Men det har absoluuuuut inte påverkat mitt tyckande. 09 August 2004 - 14:42
Name: Mathias, DK Review: Fantastisk stemning i skaber med jeres musik! - Tak for en rigtig god lydoplevelse!! 06 August 2004 - 10:45
Name: Theo, PPOT Review: Jeg har lige gennemlyttet jeres CD. Den er utrolig! Introsangen er til at få kuldegysninger over (ligesom Armageddon Man ), men der er mange perler på CDen. Jeg føler mig hensat til "de gode gamle dage" med Jan Johansson, nok pga. "Visa från Utanmyra" Helt klart en CD jeg kommer til at høre mange gange. Super! 05 August 2004 - 01:38